JavaScript VS JAVA 

Discover The Key Differences Between JavaScript And Java!  Let's Compare These Two Popular Programming Languages.


Overview Of JavaScript 

JavaScript: A High-Level, Interpreted Language Mainly Used For Web Development To Add Interactivity To Web Pages.

JavaScript Runs In The Browser And Is Known For Its Flexibility In Front-End And Back-End Development.

function greet() { console.log ("Hello, World!"); }   greet();

Overview Of Java 

Java: A High-Level, Compiled Language Known For Its Portability, Typically Used For Enterprise Applications And Android Development.

public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        System.out.println("Hello, World!");    } }

Differences: Compilation Vs Interpretation 

JavaScript: Interpreted, Meaning It Runs Directly In The Browser Without Compilation.

Java: Compiled, Meaning It Must Be Converted Into Bytecode Before Execution.

let x = 10;

int x = 10;

Concurrency Model 

JavaScript: Uses An Event-Driven, Non-Blocking I/O Model With Single-Threaded Execution.

Java: Supports Multithreading And Concurrency, Allowing Multiple Threads To Run Simultaneously.

setTimeout(() => {    console.log("Async Execution"); }, 1000);

public class ThreadExample extends Thread {    public void run() {        System.out.println("Running Thread");    } }

Syntax And Typing 

JavaScript: Dynamically Typed, Meaning Variables Can Change Types.

Java: Statically Typed, Requiring Explicit Type Declarations.

let name = "John"; name = 42;

String name = "John"; name = 42;  // Compilation Error

Platform Differences 

JavaScript: Interpreted, Meaning It Runs Directly In The Browser Without Compilation.

Java: Runs On The Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Making It Platform-Independent.

Platform Differences : Examples

const http = require('http');  http.createServer((req, res) => {     res.write("Hello, World!");     res.end();   }).listen(8080);

public class Server {    public static void main(String[] args) {        System.out.println("Running On JVM");    } }

