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Welcome to ES6: The New JavaScript Standard

ES6 Introduced Major Updates To JavaScript, Making It More Powerful & Easier To Work With... Let’s Explore Some Key Features That Will Enhance Your Coding Skills!

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Let and Const: Say Goodbye to var 

ES6 introduced let and const, providing block scope for variables.  let is used for variables that may change, while const is for constants that don’t change.

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Let and Const: Say Goodbye to var 

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let age = 25; age = 26; // Allowed const name = 'Alice'; name = 'Bob'; // Error: Assignment to constant variable.

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Arrow Functions: Short and Sweet Syntax 

Arrow functions provide a concise way to write functions. And automatically bind the this context from their surrounding scope.

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Arrow Functions Syntax

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// Traditional function function add(a, b) {  return a + b; } // Arrow function const add = (a, b) => a + b;

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Template Literals: Easier String Interpolation 

Template literals use backticks (``) and ${}. For embedding expressions within strings, making it easier to create multi-line strings and embed variables.

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Template Literals: Syntax

const name = 'Alice'; const greeting = `Hello,  ${name}! Welcome to the ES6 world.`; console.log(greeting); //  Output: Hello, Alice! 

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Destructuring Assignment: Extracting Values Made Easy 

Destructuring Allows You To Unpack Values From Arrays Or Properties.  From Objects Into Distinct Variables With A Concise Syntax.

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Destructuring Assignment:  Syntax

// Array destructuring const [a, b] = [1, 2]; console.log(a); // Output: 1 // Object destructuring const { name, age } = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 }; console.log(name); // Output: Alice

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Spread & Rest Operators: Versatile And Handy 

The Spread Operator (...) Expands Arrays Or Objects,  While The Rest Operator (...) Collects Arguments Into An Array.

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Spread & Rest Operator : Syntax

// Spread const numbers = [1, 2, 3]; const newNumbers = [...numbers, 4, 5]; console.log(newNumbers);  // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // Rest function sum(...args) {  return args.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0); } console.log(sum(1, 2, 3));  // Output: 6

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Promises and Async/Await: Simplifying Asynchronous Code 

Promises And Async/Await Provide A Cleaner Way To Handle Asynchronous Operations, Avoiding Callback Hell &  Making The Code More Readable.

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Promises & Async/Await: Syntax

// Using Promises fetchData().then(console.log);  // Logs 'Data fetched!' after 1 second // Using Async/Await (async () => console.log(await fetchData()))();  // Logs 'Data fetched!' after 1 second

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Modules: Organize Your Code Efficiently 

ES6 Modules Allow You To Break Your Code Into Separate Files. And Import/Export Them As Needed, Promoting Better Code Organization And Reusability.

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Modules: Syntax

// module.js Export const greet = () => 'Hello, ES6!'; // main.js import { greet } from './module.js'; console.log(greet());  // Output: Hello, ES6!

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