JavaScript vs TypeScript

Explore the key differences between JavaScript and TypeScript.  Which one should you use for your next project?

What is JavaScript?

👉 JavaScript Is A Dynamic, Interpreted Programming Language Used For Web Development.

👉 It's Versatile, But Can Lead To Runtime Errors Due To Its Loosely Typed Nature.

What is TypeScript?

👉 TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript.

👉 It adds optional static types, making code more predictable and reducing bugs.

👉 TypeScript's type system catches errors at compile time, improving code reliability.

Key Differences JS & TS 

Type Checking: ⚡ JavaScript: Dynamic Typing. ⚡ TypeScript: Static Typing With Type Annotations.

Tooling: ⚡ JavaScript: Supported everywhere with basic tooling. ⚡ TypeScript: Advanced tooling with better editor support and auto-completion.

Benefits of Using JS

Flexibility  Allows rapid development with fewer constraints.

Widespread Support Works in all browsers and is the backbone of web development.

Ease of Use  Simple and quick to learn, perfect for small projects and beginners.

Benefits of Using TS

Better Tooling Enhanced editor support with IntelliSense and code navigation.

Scalability  Ideal for large codebases with complex structures.

Early Error Detection  Catches errors during development rather than at runtime.

When to Use JS VS TS

JavaScript Use for small projects, quick prototyping, and when type safety isn’t a concern.

TypeScript  Use for large, complex applications where maintainability, scalability, and error reduction are priorities.

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